⚙️ Case Study #5: Sephora

Building a Loyalty Program

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Happy Sunday Operators ⚙️

Welcome to today’s case study.

Today we will jump into the world of loyalty programs in E-commerce.

So how does Sephora drive $15 billion from their loyalty program.

What is Sephora Beauty Insider?

Imagine walking into a beauty paradise where every lipstick, eyeshadow, and fragrance feels like it's calling your name. That's Sephora for you – a cosmetic wonderland.

But here's the twist: Sephora isn't just about dazzling you with its endless array of products.

Since 2007, they've been playing a smart game with their loyalty program, "Beauty Insider". Think of it as the secret sauce in Sephora's business recipe.

A staggering 34 million members are all hooked onto this program.


Because Sephora knows the magic word: Rewards. Every purchase you make earns you points. But it's not just any run-of-the-mill point system. Sephora lets you be the master of your rewards.

Want to swap points for a mini makeover? Done. Eyeing an exclusive discount? Yours for the taking.

But here's the catch – Sephora products don’t exactly come with garage-sale price tags.

They're premium, and rightly so.

Yet, despite the higher prices, the loyalty program has become Sephora's golden goose.

Let's talk numbers – mind-blowing ones. Sephora's revenue?

A cool $19 billion. And guess who's contributing to a whopping 80% of that? Yep, the Beauty Insider members.

We're talking about $15 billion dollars rolling in, thanks to this loyalty program.

So, the billion-dollar question: How does Sephora use this program to not just retain customers but drive its business?

Why should you care?

A Blueprint for Customer Engagement Excellence

Sephora's Beauty Insider program isn't just a success story in beauty retail; it's a blueprint for customer engagement excellence. Let’s zoom in on Sephora’s Beauty Insider and see the magic in numbers.

A whopping 22% spike in cross-sell and an eye-popping 13-51% leap in upsell revenue.

But it's not just about the numbers.

It's about the strategy.

Sephora's approach transcends the typical transactional loyalty framework.

They've tapped into the emotional and personal aspects of shopping, turning the act of buying into an experience of joy and belonging.

This emotional connection is a powerful driver of loyalty, something every company covets but few truly achieve. It's not just a points game; it's an emotional journey.

This is where Sephora really struts its stuff.

While many loyalty programs are stuck in the transactional rut – points for prizes, discounts galore – Sephora plays a different game. It’s not just about the transaction; it’s about building a community, sparking emotions.

It's about the thrill of belonging, the joy of discovery.

And why does this hit the bullseye?

Because beauty isn't just skin deep. It's personal, it's emotional.

This isn't just retail; it's a sanctuary of self-care and beauty, and that's why their customers keep coming back for more.

Research supports this: nearly 75% of customer engagement is fueled by these emotional perks.

And Sephora?

They’re masters at igniting that spark of inclusion, making each member feel like a part of something special.

But there's another trick up Sephora's sleeve – the nature of their products.

Beauty items, unlike tech gadgets, don’t last forever. They’re used, loved, and then, they’re gone.

This cycle of consumption creates a natural rhythm of repeat purchases. And what better way to sweeten this ritual than with a loyalty program that rewards every purchase?

Sephora’s loyalty program is more than a points system.

It's a masterclass in blending emotional and transactional loyalty, all while keeping the cash registers ringing.

Clever, right?

So how do you build this yourself?

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