Our Security-First Offboarding Checklist

Ensure a secure offboarding process with our checklist.

Our Security-First Offboarding Checklist

Insight from Pure IT

When you have to fire someone, the last thing you want to think about is security risk.

But if there’s one thing that makes a not-very-fun task even worse, it’s a breach from a pissed-off former employee.

Ask Cash App, Georgia-Pacific, or Tesla. You get the idea.

So, in the name of covering our asses while not having to think too much, here’s a quick checklist that you can screenshot and pass to your IT guy:

  • Deactivate their user accounts (while retaining and backing up all of the data!)

  • Return all company property

  • Revoke access to sensitive internal tools & platforms (slack, email, cloud services & storage, CRM, and admin or financial tools)

  • Communicate the personnel change to the team and mandate password changes for those with shared accounts.

  • Keep detailed records of your actions for potential documentation later on

Better safe than sorry.


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