Flowcharts in 15 seconds

You can use ChatGPT to make awesome flowcharts, and do it fast.

Flowcharts in 15 seconds

Insight from Superbold.ai

If you haven’t found a way to use ChatGPT to make your job easier yet, you’re lacking creativity.

Still need an idea? Here’s a cool trick we found on Twitter.

You can use ChatGPT to make awesome flowcharts, and do it fast.

This one’s great for slide decks and presentations. Here’s how it works:

  • Ask ChatGPT to outline the steps for whatever process you’re trying to present. Provide feedback and details until it’s outline is accurate.

  • Request that it build a flowchart based on that process. If it looks good to go, ask ChatGPT to generate mermaid code for your flowchart.

  • Head to Draw.io, start a new project, and use the “Mermaid” feature to paste your code.

Voila. You’ve got a great-looking flowchart that took you less than a minute to make.

The board is amazed, you get a stock refresh, and everyone claps.


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