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  • How to Prevent AI Deepfakes from Hurting Your Brand

How to Prevent AI Deepfakes from Hurting Your Brand

Let's avoid getting impersonated with a deepfake

The Big Idea

The What: A TLDR of the idea

Deepfakes are no longer just fodder for internet memes but a genuine operational challenge.

We're talking about more than scams here; deepfakes can erode brand trust and even manipulate internal company dialogue.

This isn't a problem you can throw money at to fix. It needs a human-in-the-loop solution, cross-industry collaboration, and public awareness.

Deep Dive

The Why: 3 reasons why you should care

1. The Failure of Current Systems 0️⃣ 

The fact that a fraudulent MrBeast ad got past TikTok's ad moderation tech demonstrates the limitations of current AI-based screening processes.

For COOs, this presents an operational risk that could damage reputation, violate terms of service, or even result in legal action.

2. Generational Gullibility 👴 

The deepfake incident highlights that younger audiences, familiar with creators like MrBeast, and older folks can be fooled.

It raises questions about consumer protection and how companies must advance their tech capabilities to protect diverse user bases.

3. Regulatory Headwinds 🎐 

With the FTC issuing warnings, the legal landscape is getting more complicated. COOs must consider the immediate operational challenges and future compliance risks.

This is particularly pressing in light of upcoming global elections and the potential for manipulative practices to impact society.

Tactical Advice

The How: 3 ways to handle this

1. Invest in Multi-Layered Verification 🎚️ 

You can start with implementing real-time AI monitoring that uses machine learning algorithms trained to recognize video and audio content anomalies.

This layer of AI could be designed to flag content that deviates from established patterns of authentic material, like unnatural blinking or breathing in videos.

Simultaneously, establish an internal human oversight committee of AI, cybersecurity, and digital media experts. This group's primary task would be to review any flags from the AI and make judgment calls. Equip this committee with constant training updates on the latest in deepfake technology.

You could complement these layers with real-time alert systems that alert the human oversight committee immediately when the AI flags suspicious content.

Finally, consider the power of crowdsourced intelligence; integrate a user-based reporting system into your platform, even considering rewards or badges to incentivize accurate reporting.

To learn more, click here

2. Collaborate across industries 🤝 

In collaboration, consider developing or joining an industry consortium for securely sharing information on the latest deepfake threats and countermeasures.

Given that larger corporations often have resources smaller companies don't, creating an open-source library of tools for combating deepfakes could democratize defense mechanisms across the industry.

If you really want to get into the weeds of how deepfake tech operates, invest in teams dedicated to reverse-engineering popular deepfake algorithms.

Understanding the enemy is half the battle, right? And here's something a bit left-field: consider striking up partnerships with unconventional entities like indie hacker communities or academic researchers who specialize in deepfake technology.

Their perspectives could offer new dimensions in your deepfake combat strategy.

To learn more, click here

3. Consumer Education 📕 

Consumer education can be equally crucial and innovative. You could develop interactive, in-app tutorials that educate users on recognizing deepfakes, using gamification techniques to boost engagement.

For ongoing education, think about daily or weekly 'Did You Know?' pop-ups that inform users in digestible, microlearning formats.

If you want to go granular, use data analytics to pinpoint which of your user demographics are most susceptible to deepfakes, then tailor your educational content to them. And for a real zinger, how about using augmented reality?

Imagine an AR filter that overlays markers on a video or image that could highlight telltale signs of a deepfake. It's edgy, but it could work.

To learn more, click here

Learn More

What Next: 3 resources to learn more

Breakdown of what an AI Deepfake is

A deep dive into what is a deepfake and how one is made (Link) 

Read time: 8 min

Tools to build a Deepfake

If you are interested in building your own, check out this list of 12 tools (Link) 

Read time: 6 min

AI Deepfake Quiz

Are you able to tell what a deepfake from a real picture? (Link) 

Read time: 3 min


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